In the event you discover a code defect, you may submit details of the defect through any of the following support lines:

How Known Code Defects are Handled

If the code defect is determined to be the result of a previously reported problem:

  • If available, a fix or workaround is provided

  • It not available, the Resolution team will work with you to provide the best possible solution to fix or circumvent the defect

  • The Resolution team will advise when the defect is fixed/closed, and assist in implementing the fix or workaround

How New Code Defects are Handled

If the code defect is determined to be an issue that has not been reported before:

  • If high impact, a code fix is created and delivered

  • If low impact and does not require an immediate fix, a code fix may be slated for a future release

  • Fixes are tested at the latest maintenance level, so keeping your software up-to-date is of paramount importance

How Non-Code Defects are Handled

If the problem is determined to be unrelated to code supported by Bunch, we will continue to work towards a resolution at your request through a separate services agreement.

Feature Requests

If the problem is determined to be working as designed but it does not meet your needs or specifications, you may submit a Feature Request ticket.